Article Directory
Welcome to the TRECCERT article directory, where we feature news and insights on information security, data protection, business continuity, risk management and more. The information provided is based on research and acts as a valuable platform for ICT professionals to keep up with current developments, trends and more. To stay up to date and informed, check out the latest articles below.
Lead Auditor Tips on Creating an Effective Audit Team
According to ISO, auditing is “a systematic, independent and documented process for obtaining objective evidence and evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which the audit criteria are fulfilled”. Auditing is a crucially important activity for any organization that is interested in complying with applicable requirements and improving its processes and performance. As such, competent…
Careers in Business Continuity - The Importance of Certification
Business continuity is defined as the “capability of an organization to continue the delivery of products and services within acceptable time frames at predefined capacity during a disruption”. Such disruptions can include fires, floods, data breaches, pandemics, and so on. During the last few years, largely due to the COVID-19 pandemic, business continuity has become a widely discussed topic and…
Remote Workers Targeted for COVID-Themed Cybersecurity Attacks
The global spread of the coronavirus has forced a shift in working arrangements for many organizations. Part of the necessary measures taken by organizations has been the change in the work environment from office-based to remote work.
Remote Work as a Business Strategy
Strategic management or business strategy is the development and implementation of the key objectives set by the organization’s top management. Organizations may formulate various objectives depending on what they aim and plan to achieve in a certain period of time.
Three Recommendations to a Secure Remote Working Environment
Remote work is a working option which allows individuals to work outside the designated office of an organization. There are different options of remote work that are applied by organizations. Depending on the size and operations, organizations may allow remote work to an individual or an entire team.